Pitlochry & District Choral Society is a well-established mixed voice amateur choir with around 50 members
Since its foundation in 1987, PDCS has performed a diverse range of music, from major works such as Haydn’s Creation, Handel's Messiah and Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana, to less familiar items such as Alexander McCall Smith’s poems set to music by Tom Cunningham in the haunting piece Scotland at Night, and Helen Mackinnon's Gloria and Credo from Mass for the Spirit, aswell as excerpts from musicals and much, much more.
Historically we have performed two concerts per year in December and April, however this year we are also performing Handel's Messiah together with Crieff Choral Group and the Afton Ensemble on 19th and 26th November.
We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from September to April and like to combine singing with social events.
New members of all voices and ages are welcome at any time and there is no audition.
Singing makes you feel better, helps you to relax and beat stress, enhances lung function, improves memory and concentration, boosts confidence and builds a sense of community.